Zoom Magic and Mind-Reading Show

If you are looking for a get-together/Xmas party entertainment idea for your friends/colleagues I perform a great fun magic and mind-reading show.

It’s suitable for families or friends having a get-together – or gives them all a reason to do so, and is ideal for the Staff Christmas virtual party.

Lots of great fun and amazing magic and mind-reading. Honest!

And If you are having a company event I can tailor what I do to your staff and products too.

In a bit more detail…

I perform an entertaining, interactive 10/20/30 minute close-up virtual show.

It works for audiences of just a few friends to thousands of staff (my biggest audience so far is 1,000 – worldwide).

It’s a bit like watching a TV magic show that’s just for you and your group.

I combine some slight of hand magic with some amazing mind-reading – and even an element of danger!

I will amaze everyone with some impossible “think of a card/number” magic, and surprise them with some visual magic (e.g. making things appear from nowhere), and my favourite (which has fooled a lot of magicians) – I’ll also misdirect everyone – i.e. you shouldn’t notice some things happen when they do so right there in front of you on your screen (but please keep this is a secret as I need the element of surprise in my show).

And none of this uses special effects or stooges* – I just keep it deliberately simple with a camera and me.

I’ll also include some members of the audience as helpers throughout and host it all with a little wit, and create some fun and laughter for everyone (*I don’t use stooges but love a little inside info – not to cheat with but so that I can mention a few things that everyone can relate to).

I have now performed for a lot of varied events – from 10 minutes as a surprise opener in a staff virtual meeting (to add something different), to doing 20 minutes following an annual message from the CEO to 1,000 staff, to, most commonly, doing my 30 min show as a part of a get-together. And please let me know if you have something in mind – e.g. to join a meeting as a surprise, to entertain at a Xmas party etc, and if you are thinking of other ideas too e.g.a quiz etc? as I work alongside these as a part of an event for company staff.


I hope this info gives you a good idea of what is involved – and please feel free to ask me any questions. I’ll then provide a quote and hopefully look forward to making it an unforgettable get-together for everyone – I’ll look forward to hearing from you!